Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I decided to take a personal day on Friday. I need one badly, physically and mentally. I haven't had a whole day off since March. I was home for a few days when I had strep throat, but laying at bed at home coughing up my lungs and then some isn't exactly a great time. I can get stuff done in the morning and then head up to CL (Crooked Lake) in the afternoon. CL has always done wonders. The sandy lake, sun, good company and good dive bars are enough to make anyone feel better.

I'm always hesitant to take personal days, because I only get two per year. I've wanted to take them before, but I always felt I had to "save" them for another time - Thanksgiving, Christmas, a long weekend, a trip that I probably won't take, etc.

Well, what the FLIP am I "saving" them for!?!?! I could get hit by a truck tomorrow when crossing Pine St., and what good will they do me then??

But it's not just the personal days I've saved for. Several years ago, Victoria's Secret carried this perfume called "exotic bouquet." It was exotic. It was amazing. I loved it. After I found out the idiots were discontinuing it, I tried "saving" what I had left, and only dabbling myself with it for those special occasions. Finally I got to the point where enough was enough, and I started wearing it every day.

I'm not knocking the whole saving concept, because it is a good thing. But I'm also realizing that sometimes you just need to cash things in. It's worth it.


KarenE said...

Yup! Life is too short to just wait to do something. :) Have a great YOU day!

Jamie said...

Yes! I attended a poverty workshop in February, and the workshop leader talked about retirement "savings." She's like, "I get it...I know why it's important and why I should do it, but what good is my $$ doing sitting there for a future that MIGHT not happen, when I could use it now to help others who really need it? Retirement is very much a "middle class" thing...way different than how people in poverty thing.