Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Miss Blogging!

Holy cow! Four posts in 2009?!? Blogging has really taken a back seat in my priorities, and I miss it....desperately. I need/want/have to do more of it, and now more than ever.

One thing I loved about being in Morocco was posting to my travel blog. It was so great to share the photos, videos and everything that was going on with people back home. Doing that made me realize how much I missed blogging.

Other web 2.0 tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Linked In were getting in the way of my blogging the past few months. I believe those are all great tools and social networking sites, but I want to focus more on what I love to do - write, express, make friends laugh/think and share my thoughts. Feel free to also "follow" my blog by using the widget on the upper right side of the screen!

So...here's to blogging!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I am excited to read your blog :o)