Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bye, Terrie

The second friend I have named Terrie (with an "ie) is leaving the area to take a job in Madison. I'm very happy for her, as she will be working for the DLTCL and it will be a step up for her. I'll also still get to work with her, and she will actually be my "go to" person for some aspects of my job.

But I won't get to see her everyday or pop my head in her office just to say hi. She was a big reason I enjoyed my job at first. Our work environment is quiet enough as it is, and she said before she left last week that she hopes I don't get too bottled up in my corner office.

I know I'll still get to see her, but it won't be the same.
She was a great mentor, co-worker and friend to me, and I'll miss her.

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