Tuesday, October 23, 2007


1) I finally, regretfully, have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Eek!! I've known I might, sorta, have to, for about a year, but it became reality when the dentist informed me yesterday that I have a cavity in one of them. I said to him, "well, if I get it yanked, then I don't need the cavity, right?" He said, "that would be correct." So, I figure it's probably worth it to just get them all yanked if I'm going to get one of them yanked, that needs a cavity anyway. My sister-in-law works at a dental office, and she agreed. I have a consultation in November.

2) The good news is that my blood pressure is 96/50, probably the best it's ever been!

3) My Wednesday interval class at the Y this week is being discontinued due to low attendance. But, I am picking up a Thursday kickboxing class at Belmark in DePere, through the Y. Apparently it's a lively group with good attendance, which is awesome! So now I am teaching kickboxing twice a week, once on Tuesday at the Y and once off-site. Fab-u-lous!

4) I'm visiting my sister and her fam in Omaha next Thursday for four days - which means I get to see my godchild, little Mary!

5) I babysat my niece and nephew, Bella and Ben, last Saturday for a few hours, and although it was fun and they were well-behaved, it was the best birth control EVER!

6) "A.D." and I are taking things slow and are keeping things more on a friendship level right now. Things were moving along a little fast for me. But, we're still talking and continue to hang out. He's such a great guy, and he deserves someone who can give him what he needs. Regardless of what happens, I'm really glad we met. When I start to doubt if I will ever meet a decent man, I surprisingly get proved wrong. They do exist!

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