Monday, October 29, 2007

Question of the Day

Q) Is it bad when you buy a bunch of candy for potential trick-or-treaters and decide to eat a lot of it yourself?

1) YES! Like your thunder thighs need the calories! And it's for the kids!
2) No. You can always buy more.

I choose "2."

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Keep Halloween Fun

The cutest thing happened on Monday.
I was shopping for Halloween candy at the evil Super Wal-Mart in DePere, the only Wal-Mart I will really ever step a foot in. I was next to the candy wall, looking at taffy, chewy candies, chocolate, gummy bears, gummy worms and anything else that will probably give me another cavity.

A young woman tapped me on the shoulder. I could tell she probably was not from this country, as her English was a little broken.
She said, "Miss...what should I get for Halloween? Can you help?" I said, "oh, you're buying candy for trick-or-treaters?" She said, "yes, and this is my first Halloween. What should I get?"
I looked at the wall and said "any of this!" She said, "anything?" I said, "oh yes, anything with chocolate or caramel....PERFECT. All this stuff is good." She politely said thank you and carried on.

Now, if I were one of those healthy crazy people, I would've led her somewhere else. But no way will I ruin the fun.

An article on MSNBC talked about how we can make Halloween more healthy by providing raisins, trail mix and popcorn.

I'm sorry, but raisins?!? You know what I did with my raisins when I got them for Halloween?? I chucked them!

I realize we have an obesity epidemic, especially among our youth, but I do think we can still enjoy Halloween and its candy in moderation.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


1) I finally, regretfully, have to get my wisdom teeth pulled. Eek!! I've known I might, sorta, have to, for about a year, but it became reality when the dentist informed me yesterday that I have a cavity in one of them. I said to him, "well, if I get it yanked, then I don't need the cavity, right?" He said, "that would be correct." So, I figure it's probably worth it to just get them all yanked if I'm going to get one of them yanked, that needs a cavity anyway. My sister-in-law works at a dental office, and she agreed. I have a consultation in November.

2) The good news is that my blood pressure is 96/50, probably the best it's ever been!

3) My Wednesday interval class at the Y this week is being discontinued due to low attendance. But, I am picking up a Thursday kickboxing class at Belmark in DePere, through the Y. Apparently it's a lively group with good attendance, which is awesome! So now I am teaching kickboxing twice a week, once on Tuesday at the Y and once off-site. Fab-u-lous!

4) I'm visiting my sister and her fam in Omaha next Thursday for four days - which means I get to see my godchild, little Mary!

5) I babysat my niece and nephew, Bella and Ben, last Saturday for a few hours, and although it was fun and they were well-behaved, it was the best birth control EVER!

6) "A.D." and I are taking things slow and are keeping things more on a friendship level right now. Things were moving along a little fast for me. But, we're still talking and continue to hang out. He's such a great guy, and he deserves someone who can give him what he needs. Regardless of what happens, I'm really glad we met. When I start to doubt if I will ever meet a decent man, I surprisingly get proved wrong. They do exist!

Monday, October 22, 2007

It's Over!

The WLA Conference is finally done! Hooray! I can breathe again! I can concentrate on other things! I can get "everything else" done that I've been neglecting!

The conference went very well, and we had a turn out of about 1,000 participants. There weren't any major conflicts, and people seemed very happy.

It really was a great experience of being on the planning committee, but I'm glad it's done!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Great B-day

What a wonderful b-day!
Some people joined me last night after work at C Street for happy hour, and we had a great time! Joe, Karen, Jason, Diane, Steph, Katie, Sherri, Terrie and Alex all helped me celebrate! Then I had dinner with the 'rents, and that was great, too. It was a fairly low-key night, but totally perfect.

Tara is flying home this weekend. Friday night we are heading up to Crooked Lake to party with the locals, and to flirt with "Kevin." On Sunday we are going to the Packers-Redskins game, which should be a total blast. We haven't been to a game in about three years, so it should be fun. It's supposed to be great weather, so I can't wait.

I'm so lucky to have terrific friends and family to help me celebrate my b-day! It makes it that much more special.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Low 30s

Today, I turn 31.
I can officially claim myself to be in the "low 30s." That's not such a bad thing.
I know some people out there dread turning older, as if it's some kind of curse.

But I can honestly say it doesn't bother me. Sure, there are some things I would've liked to accomplish already, but I also accomplished some things I didn't expect.

Ten years ago I turned the big 2-1. But on that day, I probably weighed about 10 pounds more and knew about 100 things less. The things I've gained in the last 10 years have been priceless - confidence, faith in myself, friends, happiness, knowledge, perseverance, and self worth.

I'm a much different person than I was 10 years ago, and 10 years from now, I'll be a different person than today. Why dread turning older? We can't change it, and we know it's bound to happen. I'd rather focus on the things I CAN control. I can control how I look and feel. I can control who my friends are. I can control where I live and who I date and where I work.

With that said, I'm excited for what's to come. I'm excited about my job, the possibilities at the Y, the changes I can make in my house, making a good home for Kelly and me, who I'm dating or who still might date, and where it will all lead.

The best is still yet to come.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Me and Kelly

Thursday, October 04, 2007

My Top 30

A few months ago I wrote down exactly what I wanted in a partner. I've heard of other women doing this, and they claim once they did this, they met their current spouses. I guess there is something about writing it down that makes you realize what YOU want. This is what I wrote.:

  1. Post-high school education is not required, but would be nice. Some education, even for a trade or skill, would be a plus.
  2. Someone who has the ability to speak intelligently and carry a conversation.
  3. He has to get along with his family. It would be even better if he enjoyed spending time with them or doesn’t dread visiting them. He will like my family as well.
  4. If he has baggage, he better be working on fixing it.
  5. No drama or public outbursts. I don’t need drama queens.
  6. He likes to have fun and has an open mind.
  7. He may or may not drink, but doesn’t have alcoholic tendencies. He shouldn’t need alcohol 24/7 to have fun.
  8. He’s kind, sincere and generous.
  9. He is not selfish.
  10. He enjoys being with me and spending time with me.
  11. He will enjoy spending time with me whether it’s just he and I or he and I and 50 others.
  12. He is passionate and finds me devastatingly attractive. And he shows it. We will have great chemistry, and I will find him attractive.
  13. He has to have hobbies, other than sitting on the couch.
  14. He will be active and enjoy doing things.
  15. He’s open to trying new things.
  16. He’ll be in decent shape. He doesn’t need to be a body-builder, but he won’t weigh 400 pounds, unless he is 10 feet tall.
  17. He won’t smoke, chew tobacco or use recreational drugs.
  18. He lets me be myself and appreciates me for who I am.
  19. He won’t try to change me.
  20. He is independent yet still wants to spend time with me.
  21. He is willing to work at a relationship and not give up when times get tough.
  22. He is not afraid of commitment and is open to marriage and possibly children.
  23. He believes in some kind of religion and feels it’s important in life.
  24. He is honest and faithful.
  25. He will have a decent-paying, steady job that he enjoys.
  26. He will have friends.
  27. He will like dogs, and will not suggest how I take care of my own.
  28. He will not whine when he doesn’t get his way.
  29. He will not be a work-aholic or married to his job.
  30. He will court me, and enjoy doing so,… ALWAYS.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Crazy, crazy, weekend!
I got back from Seattle late on Friday, had "date #2" on Saturday and went to my mom's yesterday to watch the big victory over the Vikes! I LOVE football season!
Oh yeah...Date # 3 is tentatively being planned. :)