Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Not Today

My mom was recently babysitting my niece and nephew, Isabella and Ben. Ben is just over a year, and his sister is almost 1.5 years. Yes, they are very close in age! When my mom said to her in the afternoon, "Come on Isabella, it's time to take a nap....." She shook her head and said, "not today." Ha! She did end up taking a nap, and a pretty long one. But she also doesn't like to all the time.

Isabella is getting to be pretty smart, and she doesn't act like a 1.5-year-old. I laugh when I think of her saying it, and I like the bluntness to it as well. How much would we just all love to say that when we really feel like it?

May I please have some ketchup with that? Not today.
Are you going to get me that report that I asked for? Not today.
Does my butt look big in these pants? Not today.
Are you dieting? Not today.

Maybe tomorrow, but not today.

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