I went to Omaha this past weekend to visit my sister's family, among them the newest member of our clan, Mary Madeleine (14 weeks). On Saturday we decided to walk around a craft show going on in the Old Market, and I offered to carry little Mary in the
BabyBjorn (those Swedes are so clever. I do love them for their
Swiss Miss). The Bjorn (with two dots above the "O") is a nifty sling-like contraption that parents can wear to carry infants. Plus, ain't no way some psycho-crazy-kidnapper is ever going to snatch anyone in this thing! And I can see why babies like it. It keeps them warm and cuddly and allows them to see all the action that we see. Look how happy she is!

After about 20 minutes of wearing the Bjorn and all 13 pounds of Mary, my neck did start to hurt a little. And I soon discovered the "looks" and "how cute!" I was getting on the streets weren't for me, but for Mary, especially when she zonked out in the craft tent. Oh well.