It has been really rewarding the last few weeks to see some rooms transform. The first night I slept in the house, my hands were throbbing so bad from all the painting, I couldn't sleep! But it was well worth the time and effort. Enjoy the pics, and please come over soon to see it!
10/23/06: Here is the kitchen on the day I closed. The walls were yellow, burgundy, and with a border in between. The cabinets were black, and the trim on the windows and doors was tan.

11/4/06: Almost there! The drawers are in, the final coat of paint is on, the insides scrubbed, repainted and relined with new contact paper, and the dishes are finally unpacked!

I LOVE how the kitchen looks. It's so bright and fun! I couldn't have done it without the following people who helped paint or move all my stuff:
Terri, Steph, Kim F, Kevin, Michelle, Dad, Missy, Matuella, Joe, Tera, Kim M, Bobby, Charlie, Jeff.
(PS. Mom was babysitting and did send a kettle of chicken soup for moving day).
THANK YOU!!!!! :)
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